***** This page was originally built during the COVID infection crisis.
***** It is currently effectively obsolete.
***** However, some of the information pointed to be this page may still be of interest.
***** Some of the links here may cause errors or contain information not relevant to the COVID crisis.
Each Sunday at 10:30 AM, we will meet outdoors (weather permitting), but will also hold online video services until we are able to meet indoors. The video will be accessible from the Home page of this web site.
Click HERE for Information on Outdoor Services Guidelines during this time.
The dates, places, and times of our normally scheduled activities may be modified due to COVID-19 concerns.
Please downoad our Weekly and Monthly newletters for up to date information.
Look HERE for "Ways to BE the Church When Church is Canceled".
Click --> HERE <-- for a prayer from Pastor Greg for our church family and the world.
A Thank You letter from the Synod to Tree of Life is HERE.
A Thank You letter for TOL's donation to the ELCA COVID-19 Response Fund is HERE.
The most current video service may be accessed from the home page.
An Archive of past Services presented by Video can be accessed HERE.
Please read Pastor Greg's letter HERE.
A Second message from Synodical Bishop William Gohl is HERE.
The original message from Synodical Bishop William Gohl is HERE.
A Message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton is HERE.